This is my "Magical Night" original painting. This is the 7th original painting I'm auctioning off on ebay to raise money for Charity: Water
I personally really like this painting. It's one of my favorites I've made this year. (Maybe because it's just much purple and I don't use purple all that often in my paintings). But what I really love about this painting is the dream-like quality to the sky. This is definitely a forest with a bit of magic in it. I hope that someone sees this painting and is drawn to it. If you are that someone, then you can be happy in knowing that your bid is helping to quench the thirst of some very thirsty folks in need. So thank you!!
100% of the sale automatically goes to Charity: Water. The auction lasts for 10 days and bidding starts at $1 Click here to see the listing.
With Charity: Water 100% of all donations go directly to the field to provide clean water to people in need and include GPS and photo proof once a well project is complete. Read more about this awesome life-saving charity here.

Details are below:
Original painting by Mary Elizabeth Arts.
- 100% of the sale goes to Charity: Water
Original "Magical Night" painting
- Created with alcohol inks + acrylic paints
- Painted on 11" x 14" yupo paper
- Ships Flat, Signed on the back
I often paint outside as alcohol inks require excellent ventilation. Our North Carolina summers are hot!
I'm grateful for the fresh, cold water I enjoy from my Hydro Flask. Clean, cold water whenever I want! I can even have it carbonated if I want, thanks to my SodaStream. As I paint out in the open air, I enjoy my incredibly clean, cold and usually fizzy water, and sometimes I think about those who don't have water. Those who walk miles and miles for even some nasty dirty water that could make any of us sick. It's not right. And it's not okay.
Instead of losing heart, or getting depressed, instead of giving up on how impossibly unfair the world seems, instead I'm taking small steps in my every day to try and help in whatever meager way I can. I believe it's up to each of us to TRY, (please try) to make the world a better, kinder, more humane place. I'd like to see a version of our world where all humans have access to drinking water, every day, whenever they need it.
Painting is my most favorite thing to do. I'm grateful that I get to paint my heart out, and share of little of my heart as well, creating artwork that helps people, that's some feel-good fizzy hydration for the soul.
So that's what this eBay auction is about. Your bid on my painting, and if you're lucky enough--your win, is helping to give clean water to someone who desperately needs it. So, thank you!
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Read more about the awesome Charity: Water